Masao Oi (大井 雅雄)

I am an Assistant Professor at National Taiwan University.
I am interested in number theory, especially, topics around the Langlands program.
My CV is here.
e-mail: masaooi at



  1. Twisted endoscopic character relation for toral supercuspidal L-packets of classical groups
    [preliminary version], 127 pages.
  2. On Swan exponents of symmetric and exterior square Galois representations (with Guy Henniart)
    Rad Hrvat. Akad. Znan. Umjet. Mat. Znan. 28(558) (2024) (special issue for the 70th birthday of Marko Tadić), 151–184.
  3. Simple supercuspidal L-packets of split special orthogonal groups over dyadic fields (with Moshe Adrian, Guy Henniart, and Eyal Kaplan)
    preprint (submitted), 52 pages.
  4. Characterization of supercuspidal representations and very regular elements (with Charlotte Chan)
    preprint (submitted), 75 pages.
  5. The B(G)-parametrization of the local Langlands correspondence (with Alexander Bertoloni Meli)
    preprint (submitted), 40 pages.
  6. Simple supercuspidal L-packets of symplectic groups over dyadic fields (with Guy Henniart)
    Represent. Theory, 29 (2025), 108--135.
  7. Local newforms for generic representations of unramified odd unitary groups and fundamental lemma (with Hiraku Atobe and Seidai Yasuda)
    Duke Math. J. 173 (2024), no. 12, 2447–2479.
  8. Geometric L-packets of Howe-unramified toral supercuspidal representations (with Charlotte Chan)
    J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 27 (2025), no.~1, 1465--1526.
  9. Local Langlands correspondence for regular supercuspidal representations of GL(n) (with Kazuki Tokimoto)
    Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2021, no. 3, 2007–2073.
  10. Iwahori-Hecke algebra and unramified local L-functions (with Ryotaro Sakamoto and Hiroyoshi Tamori)
    Math. Z. 303 (2023), no. 3, Paper No. 59, 42 pp.
  11. Depth preserving property of the local Langlands correspondence for non-quasi-split unitary groups
    Math. Res. Lett. Vol. 28, No. 1 (2021), 175-211.
  12. Depth preserving property of the local Langlands correspondence for quasi-split classical groups in a large residual characteristic
    Manuscripta Math. 171 (2023), no. 3-4, 529--562.
  13. Simple supercuspidal L-packets of quasi-split classical groups
    Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 297 (2024), no. 1483, vi+161 (online first).
  14. Unramified base change of simple supercuspidal L-packets of quasi-split classical groups
    Algebraic Number Theory and Related Topics 2017, RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu B83 (2020), 061-081.
  15. Endoscopic lifting of simple supercuspidal representations of unramified U(N) to GL(N)
    Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 55 (2019), 895-938.
  16. Endoscopic lifting of simple supercuspidal representations of SO(2n+1) to GL(2n)
    Amer. J. Math., 141 (2019), 169-217.

Other writings (non-refereed)

  1. 正則超尖点表現に対する局所Jacquet-Langlands対応について(japanese)
    RIMS研究集会「代数的整数論とその周辺2023」(2023年12月開催)報告集. [pdf]
  2. 超尖点表現のHarish-Chandra指標による特徴付け(japanese)
    RIMS研究集会「表現論とその周辺分野における最近の進展」(2023年6月開催)報告集. [pdf]
  3. 超尖点表現に対する局所Langlands対応について(japanese)
    「第65回代数学シンポジウム」(2020年9月開催)報告集. [pdf]
  4. On Iwahori-Hecke algebras and local L-factors of unramified representations: announcement
    RIMS研究集会「保型形式、保型L関数とその周辺」(2022年1月開催)報告集. [pdf]
  5. Twisted endoscopic character relation for toral regular supercuspidal L-packets: announcement
    RIMS研究集会「保型形式,保型表現,ガロア表現とその周辺」(2021年1月開催)報告集. [pdf]
  6. Towards the twisted endoscopic character relation for regular supercuspidal L-packets
    New Developments in Representation Theory of p-adic Groups, Oberwolfach Rep. 16 (2019), no. 4, pp. 2775-2778. available [here]
  7. On the endoscopic lifting of simple supercuspidal representations of classical groups
    RIMS研究集会「保型形式の解析的・数論的研究」(2017年1月開催)報告集. [pdf]
  8. エンドスコピー指標関係式について(japanese)
    「第14回城崎新人セミナー」(2017年2月開催)報告集. [pdf]


  1. 2025 Spring: Introduction to the local Langlands correspondence
  2. 2024 Fall: Representation theory of finite groups of Lie type

Last updated on 2025-03-29.